May 08, 2008

Celebrating 50

My Aunt turned 50 last weekend, and so she held a weekend-long birthday extravaganza. Summer comes early here, so where better to have an extravaganza than at a condo on the beach? Friday night was just her and her girlfriends (and sisters), and then Saturday night and Sunday the family descended for our turn to help her party. So, we welcomed her fiftieth decade and summer with a great day on the beach.The dogs came along to keep a watchful eye on those crazy humans.
Point in case, those crazy boys who think its never too cold to go in the ocean. (I may think summer is here and enjoy a day at the beach, but that water isn't getting any higher than my ankles thank you very much.) Alex had his first chance to commune with the waves all summer.
He even took a stab at learning to surf.My sister and I preferred walking on the beach and admiring the art left by nature.
Gwen, not a fan of the sand or the salt, very much preferred sunbathing on the balcony. Of course, she still had several long runs on the beach and 24 hours worth of dealing with two young dogs. When we got home Sunday night, she was so tired she couldn't even go for her walk. She just sat down and looked pitifully at us. You could tell from the way she walked that every muscle in her body was protesting.

It was a lovely way to celebrate 50 years. And even the wildlife came out to wish her a happy birthday.Oh, hello. Happy Birthday to ya.Is there cake around here somewhere? I'd sing for cake.It's your birthday; it's your birthday. We're gonna par-tay, par-tay.

The mockingbird had a little too much sugar. Some people just don't know when to stop with the cake.

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