October 06, 2008

A Seaside Celebration

We've been very busy with the business of life recently. Lots of work and lots of play - and for me spurts of progress on my projects.

This weekend we spent three days at the beach, celebrating my little sister's 26th birthday. It was a grand celebration with tons of food, sun and sand. October in Florida is the perfect time for swimming and sand castles with our 5 year old friend, and her 11 week old brother allowed us to cuddle and rock to our hearts content. We did have a mishap when my husband walked off a ten foot sea wall in the dark, but besides a bruised shoulder and a sore knee he's recovered well.

Early in the morning this Thursday I'm off to Portland for a long awaited retreat with my college girlfriends. Despite the long list of things I need to do before going, life really doesn't get any better than this.
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Anonymous said...

Portland Oregon? YOu're hitting the Turtledash right?

Anonymous said...

Just look at that sand! Makes chilly, wet, gloomy England seem so much more chilly, wet and gloomy! Ah, well, I've always got my knitting to brighten things up :)

Cara said...

Juliet - I have to say, most months of the year Florida is the place to be. But, it does make it more challenging to find patterns for knitted items you'll wear more than once a year!