July 29, 2008

Lounging About

Alex had to work for a good bit of this weekend, and with a chunk of free time on my hands I finally got around to making the lounge pants I've been wanting to make. (Seriously, I bought this book months ago strictly for this pattern. Yet, despite seeing them all over, I hadn't even drawn out the pattern.)

I love them. Seriously, these are the most comfortable pants ever and paired with a tank top they are the perfect lazy Sunday afternoon or after work wear. If I didn't have to get dressed for work, I'd probably never wear anything else. As it is, I'm coming straight home and putting them on. Which means its a really good thing I bought fabric to make a second pair. I should probably get on that, since I'm eventually going to have to take these off to wash them. (Or maybe the fairies will take care of the wash while I'm at work?)

Don't you love the picture with the sewing machine clutter? The camera flat out refused to take the photo against my black closet doors. Refused. Made strange beeping noises and turned itself off. Repeatedly... I lost a battle of the wills with an inanimate object. Maybe we need to re-think that whole having kids thing.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've seen this book and pants everywhere I should really splurge because, uh my whole, seat of your pants patterns tend to mean everything is a different siz.