January 28, 2008

Photo Monday

I've ditched the idea of the 365 project. My schedule and my life being what it is, I wasn't spending more time with my photos, but turning it in to a chore. And taking more boring pictures, rather than better ones.. So, I'm going to narrow the resolution to posting one photo a week - a reminder to spend some time developing my skills in my already prolific photo taking.

This one is a favorite wedding gift. The Love Lives Here is a Bill Davis exclusive, given to us by his wife, with the statute, because he did not live to see our wedding day. It was one of the few wedding gifts to make me cry, and a treasured little tableau at the top of our stairs. It is a daily reminder of how lucky I am in - in my marriage and in my life. Life sometimes feels too full, too busy, but that is a side effect to being so full of love.

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