March 23, 2008

Easter Sunrise

I love the tradition of Easter Sunrise service.  Walking through the yard, in the dark, selecting blooms for the Flower Offering, the quiet of the streets as I drive to the church, the chill of the dew and the instinct to hush our voices all makes the service a bit more powerful on a day when it should be.  The symbolism of the lightening sky as we worship, the growing strength of our voices by the last song and the beautiful tradition of filling a cross with flowers - all lovely reminders of why today is the most important day of the Christian year.

There's little build up to Easter for me, outside of the church.  One decoration on the dining room table - just wheat grass with a bunny nestled in the middle - and a bit of planning for the family meal.  This holiday has very few distractions, and the quiet culmination in the sunrise service is just perfect.

Happy Easter

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